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Here you will find some of the books and resources that have been published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, including scholarly articles on various aspects of the Holocaust and antisemitism, as well as educational resources designed to assist teachers and educators.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual is the first serial publication in the United States focusing on the scholarly study of the Holocaust. Our definition of the Holocaust in its widest context includes: Nazi Germany and the Final Solution, 1933-1945; European Jewry during World War II; Refugees, Rescue, and Immigration; Displaced Persons and postwar trials; and modern antisemitism.

Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 1
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 2
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 3
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 4
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 5
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 6
Simon Wiesenthal Annual Vol. 7

Genocide: Critical Issues of the Holocaust was initially intended to serve as a companion volume to the film, Genocide, recipient of the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature of 1981. Selections from the script, written by Professor Martin Gilbert and Rabbi Marvin Hier, thus introduce the sections of the book. In addition, the first and last chapters are directed to exploring the Holocaust through film.

Kristallnacht- The term "Kristallnacht" ('Night of Broken Glass") refers to the organized anti-Jewish riots in Germany and Austria, November 9 10, 1938. These riots marked a major transition in Nazi policy, and were, in-many ways, a harbinger of the "Final Solution." This book includes: Fact Sheet, Personalities, Documents, and Eyewitness Accounts and Reminiscences.

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