

Solon Beinfeld

The Cultural Life of the Vilna Ghetto

Henry Friedlander

The Judiciary and Nazi Crimes in Postwar Germany

Sybil Milton

The Camera as Weapon: Documentary Photography and the Holocaust

Joan Miriam Ringelheim

The Unethical and the Unspeakable: Women and the Holocaust

Alex Grobman

American Jewish Chaplains and the Shearit Hapletah: April-June 1945

Christopher R. Browning

A Reply to Martin Broszat Regarding the Origins of the Final Solution

John S. Conway

The First Report about Auschwitz

Efraim Zuroff

Rescue via the Far East: The Attempt to Save Polish Rabbis and Yeshivah Students, 1939-1941

Yisrael Gutman

Kiddush ha-Shem and Kiddush ha-Hayim



Alvin H. Rosenfeld

Perspectives on the Holocaust in Current Literature

Lawrence L. Langer

Facing Hitler, Facing Ourselves: Syberberg's Hitler.- A Film from Germany

Michael Berenbaum

Yaffa Eliach, Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust

Richard Breitman

Documentation About the Holocaust: Emigration

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