
Mary Felstiner

Alois Brunner: "Eichmann's Best Tool"

Henry Friedlander/
Earlean M. McCarrick

Nazi Criminals in the United States: Denaturalization after Fedorenko

Guy Stern

Writers in Extremis

Helmut F. Pfanner

Trapped in France: A Case Study of Five German Jewish Intellectuals

Efraim Zuroff

Rabbis' Relief and Rescue: A Case Study of the Activities of the Vaad ha-Hatzala (Rescue Committee) of the American Orthodox Rabbis, 1942-1943

Haim Genizi

Philip S. Bernstein: Adviser on Jewish Affairs, May 1946-August 1947

Bat-Ami Zucker

Black Americans' Reaction to the Persecution of European Jews

Dagmar C. G. Lorenz

Austrian Jewish Writers since World War II

Jackson Spielvogel/
David Redles

Hitler's Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources


Ruth K. Angress

Lanzmann's Shoah and Its Audience

George 0. Kent

Klaus Barbie, the United States Government, and the Beginnings of the Cold War

Leonard Dinnerstein

What Should American Jews Have Done to Rescue Their European Brethren?

Christopher R. Browning

The Revised Hilberg

Michael H. Kater

Order as a Premise for Destruction

Sybil Milton

Photographs of the Warsaw Ghetto

Ruth K. Angress

Primo Levi in English

Robert S. Wistrich

Popular Culture on Nazi Germany

Stephen E. Ambrose

How America Abandoned the Jews in World War 11

Uwe K. Faulhaber

Intellectual Migration

Guy Stern

Exile on the Hudson

John J. Sigal

The Nature of Evidence for Intergenerational Effects of the Holocaust


Vivian Mann and Jonathan Helfand

Contributors and Editors


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