
Klaus Voigt

Refuge and Persecution in Italy, 1933-1945

Henry Friedlander &
Earlean M. McCarrick

The Extradition of Nazi Criminals: Ryan, Artukovic, and Demjanjuk

Michael H. Kater

Problems of Political Reeducation in West Germany, 1945-1960

Arnold Blumberg

Nazi Germany's Consuls in Jerusalem, 1933-1939


Refugees from Nazi Germany and the Scientific Study of Antisemitism

Gershon Greenberg

American Catholics During the Holocaust

Roddler F. Morris

Philosemitism on the German Right: The Case of the Novelist Walter Bloem


Albrecht Hagemann

Antisemitism in South Africa during World War II: A Documentation


Alfred Streim

The Tasks of the SS Einsatzgruppen

Charles B. Burdick

Tradition and Murder in the Wehrmacht

Raul Hilberg

A Note on the Genesis of the Final Solution

Abraham J. Peck

The Agony of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944

Donald L. Niewyk

German Reactions to Nazi Persecution of the Jews

Kurt Nowak

Coercive Sterilization in Nazi Germany

Wolfgang Scheffler

A Brief for Humanity

Alan Rosenberg &
Ralph W. Sleeper

The Changed World of Man-Made Mass Death

Sara Reguer

Palestine and Nazi Germany

John S. Conway

Rethinking the German Church Struggle

Robert W. Ross

The Fate of Non-Jewish Refugees

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