SHADES: Recent Awards SHADES is the recipient of several recent awards for its contributions to the Los Angeles community and as an innovative model for juvenile justice. Awards include:
National Association for Court Management
The Association's Justice Achievement Award Subcommittee selected SHADES for the 2013 Justice Achievement Honorable Mention Award. One of the goals of the award is to provide a forum for sharing successful programs with other jurisdictions. It was presented to representatives of the Los Angeles Superior Court at the NACM Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, on July 15, 2013.
ADL Helene and Joseph Sherwood Prize for Combating Hate
The Pacific Southwest Region of the Anti-Defamation League honored Judge David Wesley on March 13, 2012 for his efforts to end bullying by young people and specifically having "created SHADES, a landmark teen court program that provides an opportunity for selected juvenile offenders in trouble for bullying and committing hate incidents to be questioned, judged and sentenced by a jury of their peers." The ADL, one of the nation's oldest organizations devoted to combating racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of bigotry, presented the award at a luncheon in West Los Angeles.