Ondi Timoner, POV, The Museum of Tolerance, Calcasa, Raliance
and The Representation Project 
invite you and a guest to the award-winning documentary

A film by Nancy Schwartzman

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
at 7:30 PM

Peltz Theater
Museum of Tolerance
9786 West Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90035 

Q&A with Panelists

Former NFL Player Wade Davis
Journalist/Subject Alexandria Goddard and 
Director Nancy Schwartzman

Moderated by Leah Aldridge, Calcasa

Roll Red Roll is a true-crime thriller that goes behind the headlines to uncover the deep-seated and social media-fueled “boys will be boys” culture at the root of high school sexual assault in America. At a pre-season football party in small-town Steubenville, Ohio, a heinous crime took place. What transpired would garner national attention and result in the sentencing of two key offenders, but it was the disturbing social media evidence uncovered online by crime blogger Alex Goddard that provoked the most powerful questions about the case. The film unflinchingly asks: “why didn’t anyone stop it?”

This event is offered at no charge. RSVP is required. 

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