Education  A Journey of Discovery.

The MOT’s unique interactive exhibits provide a hands-on learning experience that inspires visitors to learn from the past, engage in the present and assume responsibility for the future. Visitors of all ages are challenged to explore the meaning of tolerance and the consequences of intolerance, by focusing on the history of the Holocaust and the dynamics of discrimination in our world today.

Visitors are also offered the extraordinary opportunity to hear live personal testimonies from Holocaust Survivors. Check the Special Speakers section or calendar to learn about daily presentations from these and other powerful speakers whose stories and perspectives bring the Museum themes to life.

Extending the one of a kind Museum experience, our customized Youth Programs include age-appropriate introductions to learning about the Holocaust, anti-bullying workshops and youth institutes such as the Service Learning Process.

We offer a variety of online Teacher Resources to help teachers optimize the MOT experience as well as sustain the learning long after the Museum visit. In this section, you will find lesson plans, vocabulary, bibliographies, and much more.

Fifteen years of experience offering education in this field has led to the creation of tried and tested professional development programs that challenge adult learners to see the world differently and redefine their roles in it.

Reaching out to every generation, programs for lifelong learners include arts and lectures events, special exhibitions, and volunteer training education.

For more in-depth research or focused Holocaust inquiry, the award winning Library and Archives offers rare collections, a digital archives, and reference staff and volunteers who offer support.

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