
The State of Israel is the Middle East’s only democracy, yet it faces unprecedented challenges. The Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem (MOTJ), scheduled to open in late 2022/early 2023, acknowledges Israel’s great accomplishments while at the same time deals with the reality that we all live in a turbulent world.  

The Museum is not about archaeology or history. It is a museum about today and tomorrow.  A Museum that highlights the core values that have sustained the Jewish people while confronting the real issues that divide humanity and threaten its future.   

For close to 30 years, our world-renowned Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles (MOT) has redefined the role of museums. With over 7.5 million visitors, the MOT has hosted American Presidents, Israeli Prime Ministers, Kings, European and religious leaders as well as Nobel Laureates. It has provided diversity training to criminal justice and education professionals throughout the United States and around the world.  The MOTJ will bring to Israel and the Middle East the successful experiential and educational formulas pioneered for over a quarter century by the MOT.

  • Study Hall
  • Two State-of-the-Art theaters
  • Children's Museum
  • Grand Hall
  • International Conference Center
  • Museum Store
  • Cafe
  • Outdoor Ampitheater